Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mullets, mullets, and more......mullets!

On a daily basis, I see, on average, 20 boys with mullets. Now I can't be sure that these aren't in fact the same boys each day but since this is a school of about 30K, I think it's safe to assume that half of the male poplulation has a classic "business in the front, party in the back" hairstyle.  And for some reason, I am so fascinated by this.  So: I have decided for the rest of my days here at the beautiful, yet oddly arranged, University of the Free State, I will take a picture a day of the mulleted-men I see on campus and by the time I leave...I will have one full picture album!!

Another fun fact about the beautiful South African boys that attend school here: they wear shorter shorts than would be socially acceptable for me to (as a girl). Given, most of them are rugby players and have thighs of only muscle...I still find it strange.  And I think the hostel I live in is where the rugby team lives, because there are a ton of boys in short shorts. But that is not confirmed yet (although this is an all boys hostel).

Anyway: those two facts have just been on my list of things to share!
Can't wait to start taking the pictures :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Up-to-Date Details! feb.5

dearest friends at home that i miss so much,

south africa has been.....not what i expected so far.  but here's what has happened since i got here on the 17th of january!

i moved into a house off campus with five german students: nadine, norbert, sebastian, christoph and jonas; two french girls: marj and lindsay, and three south africans: analicia, heinrich and john michael.  they are all so fun and really nice but i hated living off campus. it's not even that far from campus but i thought, how will i meet people being so far away?? so: i moved on campus to a hostel called jbm. it's like an apartment on campus kind of.....there are nine people in our "flat" (i really dont know what to call it): rasheed, eric, rutger, matias, tommi, rike, heike, and johanna. my room is about 6 x 9 but i really love it!

i have four classes right now: positive psych, personality psych, therapeutic counselling, and south africa sign language.  even having all four of these classes, i only have class monday and tuesday! school is so strange here. they have a formal lecture and a tutoring class that you dont always have to go to so...i have a lot of free time.

i haven't travelled yet.  but i have gone to a cheetah farm where i got to pet a cheetah, baby lions and baby tigers which was so fun! other than that, it's just been hanging out in Bloem, doing whatever.  i've been to my first cricket game...and a "football" game...and rugby should start soon, which im actually excited about! there is pretty good shopping to do here and the nightlife is kinda fun too.  we always go to the same club, barba's, but it's really laid back and they play good music so it's a good time!

i miss you all at home! i hope everything is going GREAT and i can't wait to get home in july to see all of your beautiful faces :)